
Photo image of two female doctors discussing information on a chart Not actual healthcare providers.
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dedicated support for you and your patients

AdaptimmuneAssist provides personalized guidance throughout the TECELRA treatment journey. Your Cell Therapy Navigators (CTNs) are here to make the process as seamless as possible, helping you and your patients access the programs and materials you need.

For your practice

Checkmark icon Access essential forms, order TECELRA, track your patient's journey, and more through the AdaptimmuneAssist Order Portal
Checkmark icon CTNs can assist with coordination of logistical support, such as order placement and delivery

Need assistance with an Authorized Treatment Center referral?

CTNs can help connect your patients to an ATC

Photo image of an adult female with arms crossed
Not an
actual patient.

CTNs can also help your patients access these programs

Checkmark icon Arranging reimbursement and support for travel for your eligible patients
Checkmark icon Helping your eligible patients with copay assistance for TECELRA
Checkmark icon Providing support for eligible patients to the Adaptimmune Treatment Access Program
Photo image of a female doctor and adult female patient discussing information on a chart
Not an actual patient or healthcare provider.

Have questions?

Connect with your CTN at 1-855-24MYADAP (1-855-246-9232) (available Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET) or

Visit the AdaptimmuneAssist website to learn more

ATC=Authorized Treatment Center, CTN=Cell Therapy Navigator.
CTNs do not provide medical or treatment advice or replace discussions with a healthcare provider.
The Copay Assistance Program is not available for patients who are enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, the Veterans Affairs (VA), or any other federal or state healthcare program. The program will cover the out-of-pocket expenses of the Adaptimmune product only. Limitations apply. It does not cover the costs of any other healthcare provider charges or any other treatment costs. Patients are responsible for non–drug-related out-of-pocket costs. Adaptimmune reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this program without notice. Additional assistance may be available for patients with commercial insurance with no out-of-pocket maximum. Additional eligibility requirements may apply.
Image of a swarm of engineered mechanical yellow and magenta butterflies against a blue sky